Italy 6: Back via Sicily to Bari

On deck of our favourite ferry we go back from Malta to Sicily. As usual its very comfy in our sleeping bags,, with wind blowing and the stars above us. Finally we have enough time to visit Etna. Starting from Catania we follow the steep road to Niccolosi.

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Stopover reached: Siziliy - Gozo

Alive and just in time for the ferry!The ticket vendor doesn't trust his price list and it takes him endless phone calls to make sure that bicycles only cost 3€. Finally we arrive on the ferry, find a quiet place, unroll our sleeping bags and mats and feel very happy. Unfortunaly a sailor starts to clean the deck in the middle of the night, it doesn't help too much that he skips our place, we get quite wet :( Thats why we look for a lonely place in Valetta after we arrived for the rest of the night.

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