Iran Part 3 - Hormuz, a geological wonderland!


On the way to Hormuz we get surprised by the boisterous atmosphere. Almost all passengers were dressed up in outdoor gear with big backpacks and camping equipment. One of the men asked Christian whether it’s ok to sing a song for him about Isfahan. Less than a minute later all passengers came on deck and joined him singing.



A gigantic amount of motorized rickshaws was waiting for the passengers and the iranis used them to get to lonely beaches for camping. We also chose a nice spot and on the next day we passed a gigantic rock arch, looking very similar to the azure window on Gozo. We almost didn’t trust our eyes for the stunning views after every corner. Still wondering we started a conversation with an irani girl on her way home. She told us about many more places to visit and gave us her map of the island – which showed about 30 geological islands: The arch, the red beach, rainbow mountains, a salt cave, high cliffs and a lot more on a island with only 7km diameter. In the end we cycled twice around the island to see all the spots we had missed before. ReiseKnowHow urgently needs to work on that description.



Back in Bandar Abbas we hurry towards the port to go to Dubai. Here we will meet our family and do a roadtrip through the emirates and Oman together. We are sad we have to leave the country and its lovely people after less than 30 days, but we will be back soon.



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